Weekend Update: Underwood Ranch Baby

Underwood Ranch Baby

Settlers of Catan and baby

This weekend J and I made our way up to Lometa to visit his family’s land.

Since our last visit, the Underwoods have co-leased some acreage from their neighbor, a guy who’s stocking up for the End Times. So, only somewhat worried that we’d be shot by something from his impressive arsenal of weaponry, J and I took the Mule buggy over to the new land to check out the new cows.

This visit to the farm was unlike any other visit to the farm that I’ve experienced since I began dating J two years ago. Why? Well, it has something to do with a disturbing trend that some people like to call a “baby.”

Now she was very cute and well behaved, don’t get me wrong. But I had this startling revelation that drinking until I can’t stand up and playing washers til 3 a.m. may be a thing of the past. Also, and this is something I was becoming aware of as soon as I graduated – there is a huge range of experiences for the young twenty-something. It was just that until now, those experiences didn’t include infants.

I did have a chance to watch the baby while her mom and dad were out shooting the handgun the mother got for Christmas. That was cool. I kind of understand now what Mom has been saying about liking to play with Aggie because she doesn’t have to take care of her when she leaves. Yea, I feel the same way about babies right now. It was cute and made cool sounds, but I’m more than happy to hand her off when she starts screaming.

KitchenAid Mixer Update

The best news out of this weekend is that Mrs. Underwood called Bed Bath and Beyond and they will take my broken mixer and replace it with a new one!

I’m somewhat embarrassed that my boyfriend’s mother had to do this calling around for me, but I really didn’t even think to call the place she got it from. I thought that we’d for sure be way out of warranty. Also, now I know that Target has a 90 day return policy, so I guess that’s points in favor of BB&B.

That time J and I almost killed each other in Zac Brown rodeo traffic

This year I made it to three shows at the Houston rodeo: Eli Young Band, Florida Georgia Line and then last night, Zac Brown Band.

I’m pretty sure I did more rodeo this year than I have done in my life. I learned an important lesson, too. People do “rodeo” differently. We’re always growing in our relationships, right? Learning to be better, more supportive (not submissive) people.

Well, you see, J likes to do ALL of the rodeo. I thought that meant getting there 15 minutes before the show started in time to see the Mutton Bustin’ event and then you see the show you really came to see, right? Wrong.

Apparently, some people (Jarrod) grew up with the “total rodeo experience.” What is that? Well, that means you see the entire rodeo including every buck and barrel race. But thats not it. You get there before the rodeo to “walk the grounds.” Apparently there is a livestock show and a stadium full of vendors. Think of it as the Nutcracker Market but more rhinestones and redneck. Wait. Just kidding. Nutcracker Market is both of those things. It’s just like Nutcracker Market but smaller and perhaps more cowboy hats.

Because J and I have “jobs” the last two time we went to the rodeo… It’s also worth mentioning here that J got a fantastic deal through his work on tickets. We’re not suddenly lushes who spend all out money on entertainment.

Back to the what I was saying, though. The last two times we went were on week nights. That meant that were unable to do the “total rodeo experience” and that J was totally unhappy. Both times we missed a few events and were unable to even set foot in the Rodeo Nutcracker Market. Let alone see the livestock show which is apparently also a thing people get really excited about.

So anyway, yesterday we set out early. And this time we prepared. After church we went back to J’s home and I took a nap so that I would be fully rested for the “total rodeo experience.” I even ate a wholesome meal (grabbed a peanut butter brownie on my way out the door).
Fast forward. Rodeo show. J getting his nickers in a twist because we had neighbors that were not observing no talking or moving while performance is happening. The show, a day show, was out by 8 p.m.

The day before J and I had argued because I wanted to go home early Sunday and “get some stuff done at my place” (watch Parenthood on my DVR). So J was gloating at this point that as predicted the show let out before 9 p.m. and we were on our way home.
Or so we thought.

Now to understand the frustration in the following scenario you must understand a few things. Number one, J has a handicap parking tag and always has, so he’s used to premium parking and not waiting very long. Number two, J doesn’t do the best with waiting. Number three, it had been raining all day long so we were wet and cranky. Number four, I’d been an irritable grouch all weekend, so on the walk back I’m sure I picked an argument about something. I honestly can’t remember or I would share.

We got into the car ready to go home and get ready for the upcoming week. We got into the car and, ugh oh, traffic was slammed to a halt. I mean no one was moving anywhere.

At this point we were both grumpy and tired and totally over hanging out with one another. Have you ever, EVER, been ticked off at someone in a CAR? THERE IS NO WHERE TO GO. Not to mention the ever-present traffic is irritating.

So we sat there in the car, both squished to our respective passenger doors not talking to each other. I don’t know about J but I’d occasionally cast a glance over his was just to make sure he was still just a mad as I was. Ha.

We sat there, I kid you not, for an hour. We sat in Zac Brown Band traffic for longer than the entire concert performance.

Eventually we waited so long that we had to talk it out. And we talked about some logistical stuff that has caused bumps in our love story. And we caught up on what’s been going on in our lives and minds.
No one ever told me (I don’t think) that when you’re romantically linked to someone and spend a lot of time together that you can somehow slip into just doing and have no idea what is going on with your partner. I don’t know how it’s possible to spend time together and yet be disconnected. I guess when you’re doing you’re having less “feelings” conversations.

All in all, as it always goes, the rodeo traffic eventually let up. And a day later I’m grateful for the time we got stuck in the car, couldn’t go anywhere and had to talk out what was bothering us.
So I look back over this rodeo season and think, ‘holy crap that kept us busy.’ But I suppose that you look back and talk about the time you saw XYZ band live at the Houston Rodeo more often than you talk about the time you came home from work and went to bed. So a little bit of busy in this case isn’t so bad.

Happy Monday, family. Talk to you all soon.